
Academic Publications (Selected)

Antisemitism in U.S. History,Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, Jon Butler, ed. (2023).

“Trends in the Study of Antisemitism in United States History,” American Jewish History 105, no. 1/2 (2021): 255-284. [2022 Wasserman Essay Prize for Best Article in American Jewish History]

“‘Jews Not Admitted’: Anti-Semitism, Civil Rights, and Public Accommodation Laws,” Journal of American History 107, no. 4 (2021): 847-870.

“Student Evaluations of Teaching: An Unlawful Barrier to Women’s Professional Advancement in Australian Universities,” with Karen Powell, Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 37, no. 1 (2019): 1-38.

“‘The People’s Judge’: Jacob Panken, Yiddish Socialism, and American Law,” American Journal of Legal History 59, no. 1 (2019): 31-70.

“‘The Hebrews are Appearing in Court in Great Numbers’: Toward a Reassessment of Early Twentieth-Century American Jewish Immigration History,” American Jewish History, American Jewish History 100, no. 3 (2016): 319-347. [2017 Wasserman Prize for Best Article in American Jewish History]

Public Essays (Selected)

“A History of Anti-HIAS Hate,” with Jaclyn Granick, Slate, Nov. 1, 2018.

“Why the Pittsburgh Shooter Raged about Immigration Before Attacking a Synagogue,” with Jaclyn Granick, Washington Post, Oct. 28, 2018.

“America’s Socialist Revolution: The 1917 Election of Judge Jacob Panken,” Jewish Daily Forward, Nov. 9, 2017.

“Immigrants and Refugees Need the Right to a Lawyer,” History News Network, Feb. 21, 2017.